Concerned About Your Child's Truancy? It's Time To Discuss These Things


Sending your child away to private school will expose him or her to a top-tier education that can help the child succeed beyond the classroom walls. Many private schools have clear rules when it comes to a student's truancy, which means that if your child is beginning to make a habit of missing classes, you'll soon be getting a concerned phone call from a school administrator. Repeated truancy can lead to failing a class or even being expelled from the school, so it's imperative to speak to your child on the phone or in person to explain the seriousness of the situation.

22 August 2018

Key Considerations About In-Class Observation For Evaluations

Education & Development Blog

If you've recently taken over as the head of administration of a local educational institution, one of the things that you should consider is doing a thorough evaluation of all of the teaching staff. One of the best ways to do this is through in-class observation. Unfortunately, these programs are only reliable when they are done properly. Here are a few things you should know about classroom observations as a means for evaluating your teachers.

30 May 2018

Putting Your Autistic Child On The Right Track: Academic Services And Schooling Options

Education & Development Blog

Children with autism have an uncertain future. Those that are non-verbal and unable to care for themselves usually end up in a group home. Those that are verbal and high-functioning struggle in school and work because they miss social cues and body language that would otherwise tell them what someone else means when someone else is talking. You want what is best for your high-functioning child with autism, but what can you do to help him/her succeed?

17 February 2018

Retired But Ready To Get Back To Work? Reach Your Goals With These Tips

Education & Development Blog

Retirement can be one of the biggest milestones in your adult life. But if your retirement isn't as enjoyable as you want it to be, you may want to return to the workforce. You can return to your old field of work, or you can obtain new job skills. If you choose to try something new, the following tips can help you accomplish your goals.  Evaluate Your Goals Many older individuals return to the workforce after retirement.

21 November 2017

Activities You Can Do At Home To Supplement Your Preschooler's Education

Education & Development Blog

Educators in the United States have found that beginning a child's education in preschool is beneficial in preparing them for entering kindergarten and starting their education while preventing them from falling behind their peers. Enrollment in preschool has increased from 10 percent in the 1960s to 69 percent in 2005, as the benefits of preschool have been realized. Whether you choose to enroll your child in a public or private preschool education, here are some activities you can do at home with your child to supplement their preschool education, while teaching them and getting them interested in science.

4 October 2017

Four Reasons Why Your School Should Hand out Tablets to Students

Education & Development Blog

Classroom learning is designed to keep all students who are on a specific grade level learning at the same pace. Although students have access to the same type of learning in the classroom, reinforcement outside of school hours is different. Some students will have access to computers and other forms of learning via their parents. Then there are other students who do not have educated parents nor the ability to access technology constantly.

10 August 2017

Take Care When Choosing Day Care

Education & Development Blog

Leaving a child to go work is not an easy choice. If you cannot be the one to care for your child, then you want to make sure that what care your child does get will be quality. There are a range of options on the market including mommy's helper, nanny, and daycare centers. Knowing which option is right for your situation depends on knowing what each option offers and then choosing the one that fits your needs.

10 July 2017